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Smoothie Spotlight: Rose of Saffron

In our second installment of the Smoothie Spotlight Series, we are featuring the Rose of Saffron. Refreshing and elegant, the Rose of Saffron combines tropical fruit, coconut and cashew mylk with intentional, supportive herbs and supplements. Many customers request minimal to no bananas; fortunately, the Rose of Saffron is a banana-free option.

Rose of Saffron Flower


Ripe, refreshing, invigorating, all characterize this popular tropical fruit. Mangoes have been incorporated into Ayurvedic and indigenous medical systems for thousands of years. One cup of mangoes provides the daily recommended amounts of vitamin A & C … say hello to vision support, immune health and healthy, vibrant skin. Mangoes also contain beneficial electrolytes, magnesium and potassium. But, if you’re anything like us, you don’t need the nutrient profile to entice your consumption of mangoes.

Numerous research studies indicate the potential health benefits of mangoes. Antidiabetic, antioxidant, anti-viral, anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, protective qualities for the stomach and liver .. pretty powerful research. While more studies are necessary to identify the exact therapeutic nature of this fruit, current research indicates quite positive results. From using the seeds as an astringent, to the tree bark as a tonic, to the kernels as flour, almost all parts of the mango tree are utilized.

Coconut Meat

Our last blog post touched on the nutrients and benefits of coconut oil and butter. In the Rose of Saffron, coconut meat adds texture, flavor and nourishment. Coconut meat contains mostly fat and fiber. As previously mentioned, coconut contains saturated fat, but the saturated fat found here is believed to be different than other fats. Coconut contains medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), which are immediately absorbed into the bloodstream and used as energy. Medium-chain fatty acids also aid in the absorption of fat soluble vitamins, calcium and magnesium. The fiber content of coconut meat aids in healthy bowel function and blood sugar stabilization.

Saffron Infusion

Did you know saffron is considered the world’s most expensive spice? Production hovers around 300 tons per year, with Iran producing the largest percentage. The active compounds are contained within the three reddish-colored stigmas. In order to produce one pound of stigmas, the yield requires nearly 36,000 flowers. To put that into perspective for the everyday consumer, roughly 200,000 dried stigmas yield 500 grams of pure saffron, costing about $30 per ounce.

Cost aside, saffron imparts powerful healthy benefits. In Ayurveda, saffron is believed to be invigorating, nourishing and balancing for all doshas. This potent herb acts on the nervous, cardiovascular and reproductive systems. Saffron provides necessary energy to the body, and it thought to aid in the development of love and sympathy. Clinically speaking, current studies examine the effect of saffron in the treatment of depression as well as pre-menstrual symptoms.

Evening Primrose Oil

Native to North America, evening primrose is commonly planted throughout the United States. The beautiful, yellow flower blooms in the evening and it is the seeds that provide evening primrose oil. Evening primrose oil is rich in omega 6, specifically gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). This particular fatty acid must come from our diet, as our bodies are not equipped to convert it internally.

Traditionally, all parts of the evening primrose were used to treat maladies such as bruises, sore throats, upset stomach and wounds. With modern research, evening primrose oil has been studied for its involvement in relieving eczema, pre-menstrual syndrome and breast pain. In order to preserve the essential components of evening primrose oil, refrigeration is recommended, so you’ll always find ours safe and cool in the fridge.

Coconut Water

If you’ve spent any time in Mexico, you’ve likely seen someone cutting into a coconut with a machete of sorts. Once the coconut it cut, nature’s answer to Gatorade seeps out. Coconut water is rich in antioxidants, electrolytes and full of flavor!

During long periods of intense exercise or sickness that causes dehydration, our bodies utilize mineral stores that require repletion. These minerals include sodium, potassium and calcium, all of which are critical for homeostasis. Coconut water offers electrolyte balancing by providing these minerals in every ounce. We love coconut water for the subtle sweetness and refreshing quality it brings to smoothies.

Housemade Raw Cashew Mylk

Day in and day out, we are constantly making homemade cashew mylk. Cashew mylk adds creaminess, sweetness and flavor to any smoothie or hot tonic. Beyond flavor and texture, cashews are nutritionally important. In general, nuts are one of the richest sources of plant-based fats, after vegetable oils. Cashews are nutrient dense, fiber rich and filled with healthy unsaturated fats. They also contain vitamins, such as folate and minerals, such as selenium and magnesium.

Most health benefits derive from studies examining the broad category of nuts. Consumption of tree nuts has been linked to heart healthy diets, decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension and lowering cholesterol levels. Other areas of research study the effectiveness of tree nut consumption on weight loss and prevention of obesity. Cashews are the third most produced nut worldwide, and we sure are happy about that! We couldn’t live a day without our homemade mylk.

In Good Health,

The Nectary

With gratitude, we get by with a little help from our friends ..

Disclaimer: The information presented in this blog is for informational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. The Nectary does not provide medical advice or treatment nor it is a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider before consuming anything mentioned within these posts.


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